Facebook Apk Facebook for Android

Download the official app Facebook for Android Facebook form ApkHouse.

Official Facebook client for Android Facebook for Android
Facebook Version for Android 2.3+, 4.0+ and 5.0+
In recent days one of the most visited social networking sites have become a lot of people in this network have a user account. Facebook can be considered as the most visited social network and Karbrtryn that has managed to attract millions of users.
Features of  Facebook :
  • See what your friends share
  • Share new content, photos and videos
  • Receive notifications when you like or leave comments your images
  • The ability to play games online and use favorite applications
Facebook – FaceBook is now known as the most visited social network. Creating an account on Facebook users can communicate with your friends. This allows Facebook users to share new content. This new content can include images and video that you think is interesting, and you can take pictures with your friends Share your are. Facebook users can take two ways to express their feelings about the pictures, one of them the capability Like the other pictures are commenting feature.
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What’s New 
• Improvements for reliability and speed

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Facebook Android final 2.3+ APK
Facebook Android final 4.0+ APK
Facebook Android final 5.0+ APK
Requires Android:2.3
Zip/Rar File Password: www.apkhouse.com
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